I’ll never think of “namaste” in the same way again. It was some cheesy yoga thing I had said back in the states. Now, I’ll think of saying goodbye to this guy, who I will never see again, but I
But we connected through her eyes. She hung out with me while we drank tea on the way to Achham. Ten hour jeep ride from Kathmandu. A still from the Blackmagic Cinema Camera
My friend Robert Fogarty & I traveled to Syria with Care International to photo & video Syrian refugees to share with the world their story of struggle and resilience. Interview in Huffington Post – featured in Upworthy Check out the project @ http://syria.dearworld.me
Vice put my girlfriend and I in a video essay/Honda advertisement. It was a ton of fun shooting & the crew at Vice were incredible. Thanks to Liz Cowie at Vice for producing/making it happen. Check out her photography work
Exploring what connects us. Inside are our stories. The first three episodes launch fall 2013. Sign-up to be notified & find follow us on instagram/tumblr for teaser content. http://wearepeople.co